How we Work

We should create textiles which can be used in a circular way. In order to close the loop textile products should be made to be long-lasting and attention must be paid to the recyclability of the textile item during the design and the production phase. This is also where PET shows its strength as PET textile is 100% recyclable and can be returned to the circulation as a valuable resource for new textile products.

ZTF Company has as its objective to cooperate with the textile industry to develop circular products made from mono material; to collect PET products at end of life, regranulate them, make rPET and close the loop.

How we do this?

When the product is made of 100% PET, we offer markets a registration system, that is our ZCC RFID tag with a unique code. The RFID tag corresponds to the passport of the textile item and contains all necessary information about the 100% components being used. At the end of life of the textile item the ZCC tag will be registered by the Zillion Cycles scanner and all the information of the components is again available.


Every year the textile industry produces more and by using and/or wearing these products more potential textile waste is being created. The consequence of these beautiful products at end of life is that only a small part of this waste can be made circular as most of the textile products contain a mix of fiber materials. These fibers are hard to be separated and therefore can be considered as lost, will end as landfill or will be burned and is not available anymore for future reuse in a circular closed loop. Pressure from governments and consumers as well as the growing responsibility of the producers concerning the environment to reuse textile is rapidly increasing.

What markets

Covers of the mattresses
Bedding; comforters, pillows, sheets
Medical applications  slings, sheets.
Textile rental service
Hotels, holiday park

Have look at video how Zillion Cycles Circularity works.

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